Why Does Eczema Occur?

Eczema (dermatitis) is one of the most common skin disease, but it also a kind of disease of which causes and treatment is still fuzzy in medical world. In course of eczema, skin reacts by inflammation induced by internal or environmental factors through immune system. It is a condition that causes itching, rashes, redness, dryness and cracking. There are various types of eczema, such as; neurological, allergic, oily skin and contact eczema. The most common type is allergic eczema, which is also known as atopic dermatitis, and is considered to be more hereditary. Patients usually experience similar symptoms. Most common complaints are blistering of skin, irritation and itching.

Some types of eczema, for example contact eczema, develop depending on a single cause, other types of eczema may be occur depending on a combination of several factors. Childhood eczema may resolve spontaneously over time but there is no definitive therapy of eczema in adults. Eczema can be restrained by avoiding from the triggering factors.

Skin Irritation

Eczema can be developed due to anything that irritates the skin. For example, in the event of contact eczema (contact dermatitis); skin gets more sensitive against several mildly or powerful irritants such as; soap, shampoo, detergent, bleacher, when being exposed continuously. Even if a constant exposure is not occur, sometimes the skin may react to a substance which makes skin dry and take skin's oil away. May be sound in that way, but this type is not an allergic eczema, it is the contact eczema. It leads to redness, dryness, cracking and itching on the skin. .


Allergic eczema is caused by allergens such as poison ivy. Metals similar to nickel are one of the allergens that cause eczema. Eczema caused by allergens usually occurs in childhood and in some cases it is transported into adulthood. Food allergies, milk, eggs and peanuts can cause eczema among children, while house dust, certain bacteria, pets like cat and dog can also leads to eczema among both children and adults. Allergic contact eczema usually arise due to nickel jewellery, cosmetics, hair dye or substances in perfume, construction materials such as; rubber, cement, solvents and adhesives.

Weather conditions 

One of environmental factors that trigger eczema is climate. Complaints increase in winters with cold and low humidity air condition. Mid seasons, cold weather or amount of humidity in the air can exacerbate eczema, but those are not an underlying main reason.

Genetic Factors

Just like allergic eczema, certain types of eczema have a family history (diagnosed in mother or father or both), and genes can be effective by 60% - 80% in rate of emergence of childhood eczema. In case a genetic predisposition, eczema emerges, as being triggered by environmental factors. However, eczema does not depend on a single gene. Immune system plays a major role in the development of eczema, and many of genes are influential on immune system.

Immune System 

Immune system plays a significant role in development and recurrence of eczema. Due to reaction against allergy, level of cytokines are increased in people who suffer from atopic dermatitis (allergic eczema), which is the most common form of eczema. Cytokines are proteins, secreted by cells of immune system. In people, who have high cytokine levels due to allergic reaction, inflammation of the skin can be seen even if an infection does not occur.


Stressed and anxious mood lead to multiple complaints and unfortunately. Those effects are not limited to mental deterioration, also physically deterioration can occur too. One of these complaints is stress eczema. Our brain can not distinguish what caused stress and fear. The one who has constantly issues on business life and the one who has faced with a wild animal in a jungle, both are indistinguishable for the brain. In any case, brain will react by thinking that the body is in danger. However, the body is not programmed for being under stress the whole day. Therefore, being on constantly alert mood will overstrain body, and physical reflection of the stress will be emerged.